We are proud to announce that Dr. Sen Maw Kuo is now
supporting RotoSub. With his long experience in active noise
control and deep insight into the field, he will be a valued
member of our RotoSub team.
Dr. Sen Maw Kuo has been awarded seven patents in the field
of active noise control and won multiple awards. He is the
leading author of five books: Active Noise Control Systems:
Algorithms and DSP Implementations (Wiley, 1996), Real-Time
Digital Signal Processing: Implementations, Applications, and
Experiments with the TMS320C55x (Wiley, 2001), Digital Signal
Processors: Architectures, Implementations, and Applications
(Prentice Hall, 2005), Design of Active Noise Control Systems
with the TMS320 Family (Texas Instruments, 1996), Real-Time
Digital Signal Processing: Implementations and Applications,
2nd Ed., (Wiley 2006), and a co-author of book: Embedded
Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture (Wiley